Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Be success with our limited ability

by: Iradatul Hasanah

   We always think that we have a right to be success but in fact most of us are fail, it makes sense because everyone has different potential, and we have right to choose if we want to improve our own potential that already exist or not, and also, we just need to realize that success is not a right but it is a must, and after that we deserve to be success in however and whatever our condition now.
Before being success, you have to make sure if we really want to be success or not, if we eager want to reach it, this is some way, we must have a dream, because dream has an amazing power to guide someone straight to the success, this is the most important point that we must have, because I never found even read the story about success people that did not have a dream before. The meaning of dream here is not like as imagine something but it means hope or wish to be success. That hope will guide us and motivate us to be success in our life.
If we wanna be success, we should never forget our parents, especially our mom, because they are our heroes, we will never be here with our beautiful and handsome face, with a good education, healthy, and happy without our parents effort to keep an eye on us for many years, take care of us since we still a baby until now, prepare everything we need, give us their incredible love, make us survive, and learn us with heart. If we want to be success, do not forget to ask our parents to support us.
Allah never creates the useless creature anyway, Allah always give us the best potential, it just depend on us how to determine our own potential, here are some ways that will help us to figure out it:
*     First, determine ourselves, means we must know about ourselves much better than others, it can be our happiness, wish, power, problems, and everything that related to ourselves.
*     Secondly, figure out our life goal, what do we want to be in the future? We want to be a professional lecturer, author, businessman, or even the president of Indonesia in 2020, whatever and however, it can be happen, nobody in the world can interrupt us, it just about ourselves and Allah, and we deserve to make it come true, we can do that, but remember the biggest dream need the optimal effort, if we dare to have a big dream, we must ready for every obstacle, if we do not have a bravery to get ready, means that we have choose to be a loser,  If we do not want, just make it balance, but do not be afraid, Allah has given us the best potential, remember……!!!
*     Thirdly, motivate ourselves, because we will just stuck if we lack of motivation.
*     Then, be positive, make ourselves free from the negative thinking, because it can disturb us in achieving our goal, when we set up in a problem never blame anybody else to make us feel free, just look back, it must be something wrong with our way so far, evaluate ourselves, repair our mistake and go ahead.
*     The last one, never blame ourselves if we are fail, when I told before not to blame anybody else it does not mean that we have to blame ourselves, because it will waste our time and energy.
Success is not a journey but a destination, so that is why we will find difficulty in our way to get there, because every day, every hour, every minute, even every second in our life is the set of problems, but do not worry because Allah has said in Q.S Alam nasyrah verse 5-6, this verse tell that if we get one problem in our life Allah has promised us two eases, so from now on if we have a problem we do not need to feel sad, depress, or upset, just face it, feel it, and enjoy it, that’s why it is no need to go far with our sadness as we will get more eases as the return.
In fact in that verse implicitly Allah has ordered us for keep struggling and never give up. Because, problem is not always identical with trouble anyway, if we can see it with the different point of view, and I guess problem just the way of life to attract our attention, if we never felt the problem, maybe we will not care about everything around us. We can say that it does not matter about what is going on, it just about the way to face it.
For we  know that the great people build from the big problem, so if we always get problem means Allah is preparing us to be an important people someday, and if we are fail for many times in our life, believe it or not we just only need one more step in different way before being success.
To make us become spirit, we must know at glance about the success people to motivate us more, and as the proof that I do not make up that limitation really can make people success, here we go……
*    Albert Einstein was an autism boy but he got noble and became the most famous scientist in 20 century for his relativity theory.
*     Louis Braille, is blind since young age, and find the Braille Alphabet,
*    Ippho Santosa and Chairul Tanjung come from the poor family, but can be success with their limitation in financial.
*     Lena Maria is a handicapped woman was born without arms, her left leg was only a half size of her right one, but with her limitation she can driving, playing piano, singing, and swimming, she even broke the record at 18 in World Champion Cup with 4 golden medals in swimming competition.
The next thing we really need that we must have the mindset of success, it is really important because mindset can encourage us to do actions which help us to increase our quality of life, not only related to our financial, healthy, and education, but also our love with the people around us as the most influence part in our life.
There are two characteristics of the people with mindset of success, firstly, want to learn from the actions of success people, so we can follow their track, it can be our guidance, to get rid of trial and error that we must do before success as the collection of experiences. Secondly, be positive magnet for our environment by giving positive energy, means we have to open-minded, begin our day with positive words, together with the positive people, and actions.
After all we still need one more fundamental thing before being success, pray to Allah, never forget Allah in every steps of your life, because we just able to plan something, and Allah make it happened.
Finally we can conclude that we can success easily, our fate just being success no others, because Allah has given us the best potential, has promised us for success, so if we have had a goal, face, feel and enjoy the problem, make efforts without forget our parents and Allah, finally we will get result, the result that we get it is just depend on our effort and potential, if we can make it balance between effort and potential, no doubt we are ready to get success.

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